Reasons Why Going Digital with Benjamin Choukroun Makes Sense

The last decade witnessed a steep rise in technological advancement when it comes to using internet and the speed of web. While during the beginning of the decade a lot of the countries were rejoicing in the launch of 3G and enjoying faster internet browsing on smartphones, the world is now embracing 5G and cannot wait to get connected at a much faster pace. 

While the era of the smartphone began with multimedia messages we soon upgraded to video calls and Facetime. In this day and age our smartphones have replaced our cameras, alarm clocks, diaries, books, gaming devices, banks, and computers.

In 2020, the year of the pandemic, when the entire world was under lockdown the virtual world knew no boundaries. People connected to their loved ones, made new friends, and explored varied interests through their phones.

Digital marketing became the most popular platform for marketing products and increasing sales. Especially during the time when everything was bought or sold online. It was also the safest and most efficient of continuing the business.

That is when the mindset of people at large started changing for good. When that one important piece of paper was left in the office and the project could not be completed for months due to the missing information. Digitization is the need of the hour and people like Benjamin Choukroun are making revolutionary differences in the digital world. Companies like Electronic Check are helping companies establish their business digitally across the world. The shift from paper to digital cannot be brought about overnight and it certainly requires the involvement of experts.

Companies like Electronic Check ensure that the companies understand that complete digitization of administrative services cannot be achieved without the wholehearted involvement of the employees involved. Pioneers like Benjamin Choukroun Electronic Check connect with the employees and help make the transition easier.

They explain the cost involved in paper documentation. Few of the cons of not going digital as believed by experts like Benjamin Choukroun Include:

1. It increases paper usage

2. It requires more storage space

3. The records may get lost due to natural disasters

4. It is not instantly available

5. Finding decade-old company records is a time-consuming process

6.  A lot of employees are required to maintain so many records manually

Electronic Check emphasizes on the Pros of Digital Administration of the company records them as:

1. Companies are trying to be as eco-friendly as possible. In this era of pollution restricting the use of paper in an organization.

2. Digital administration of the records offers an eco-friendly alternative to paper documentation. Every time we cut down on our paper usage, we save more trees.

3. Any document ever stored digitally is just a few clicks away. One can access any document at any time.

4. It does not require physical space to store years of documents.

5. The records cannot get destroyed or lost due to natural disasters.

6. The documents can be transferred and shared without any hassle.

7. Digital administration can cut down a company’s cost of administration to half.

But like stated earlier for a smooth transition from paper to digital administration companies must place their trust in experts like Benjamin Choukroun and Electronic Check






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